Sleep Well Rollerball by Regent House


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SKU: RHW RB ROL-517 Category:


Blend comprises

  • Chamomile – a relaxant, it depresses the central nervous system, reducing anxiety while not disrupting normal performance or function. It is reputed to reduce the activity of the cells in the sleep centre of the brain
  • Lavender – undoubtedly the world’s best known medicinal herb, it helps to alleviate nervousness, anxiety and restless sleep without any unpleasant side effects. If you suffer from restless nights, it has been shown to increase the time to awaken after first falling asleep and to increase the percentage of deep or slow-wave sleep, leaving one feeling more refreshed and energetic the next morning
  • Marjoram – has an exceedingly ancient history, cultivated by the Egyptians over 3,000 years ago and used by Hippocrates “the father of medicine”. With strong sedative qualities, it helps to create a warming, nurturing atmosphere that is conducive to a good night’s sleep

Product Description
A combination of essential oils diluted in Sweet Almond oil ready for application to the skin
Blended to enhance your general state of well-being
Designed to pop in the pocket, handbag or bedside drawer for quick and easy use

How to Use Product
Gently roll on to temples or pulse points


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